Reflections on our 1st year trading

‘Start as you mean to go on’ is a phrase I’ve used may times. I think I’ll change it to ‘start, stop, think about it, change if necessary, then go on’.

So far our first year has gone reasonably well. We completed our first contract, and got paid for it. We got our website up and running (and nominated for an award no less). We joined a business referral group, attended lots of business networking events, and advertised our wares to anyone who would listen. Most importantly we have kept pushing forward. Adapting and refining our offer. Working on how we structure every conversation, approach every opportunity and talk about our values in the most uncompromising way, as every business should.

In truth, what I’ve learned about running a business is that it is tough, but enjoyable. I am continually impressed by the fearless enthusiasm of new, young business owners, most of whom have earned their shot at changing the world. I’m glad to say I’m still learning, and willing to learn.

Everything being well, that attitude will stand me in good stead for the rest of my business life, and with a bit of luck, that will be for many years to come.
